what we do

What we do

CoGrammar makes fast-paced, high impact changes. From the communities we work in, to the international tech space, we are innovating tech careers and defining what it means to be a code reviewer. We offer code review at a quality level the industry hasn’t yet seen.

who we work with

Who we work with

Our partners share our vision for the future. Working with the industry leaders in education, technology, social ventures and computer science, we formulated and executed initiatives to see our vision come to life.

How we grow

How we grow

Our code reviewers go through rigorous training to ensure their code review is industry-aligned and of the highest standard. Growing the number of these full-time experts in the tech world is our main priority.

How we work

How we work

At CoGrammar, we believe in flexibility. That’s why our working environment allows you the freedom you need to get your job done. We don’t believe in cubicles or white walls - we like to convert white walls into whiteboards.